Original Tamashii Tibetan Mala With 108 Wooden Beads and Blue Sodalite Stone with Turquoise
Cod. NWS901-3
€ 68,00
Tamashii Tibetan Mala in wood with blue Sodalite and Turquoise.
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Tamashii products that are handmade with natural stones/pearls may have shades slightly different from the photos. Tibetan Mala The Tibetan Mala is an amulet used by Buddhist monks for mantra recitation, like a kind of rosary. Each Mala consists of 108 grains of an oriental fragrant wood Agathis Alba (original). The 108 wooden beads represent 108 Buddhas summoned to protect, help in difficulties, obtain wealth and to eliminate any threat. The Tibetan Mala is unisex and can be worn as a necklace or as a bracelet, it is prepared for any wrist size since it is strung on an elastic base. This pattern is alternated with blue Sodalite stones and Turquoise stones. The diameter of each grain is 8.00 mm. Sodalite stone helps to relax and ward off nervousness and aggression by promoting a psychological condition of calm and relaxation, Turquoise stone on the other hand calms the soul by transforming anger into wisdom. Each Tamashii piece of jewelry is special because it carries the blessing of Tibetan monks, a symbol that makes it unique. In addition, in every Tamashii jewelry piece is the Calabash, a small wooden element in the shape of a gourd filled with seeds, called Kamawatchi Calabash, which particularly symbolizes the continuity of life. New product accompanied by respective original packaging with Tamashii guarantee of authenticity. Issuing tax receipt and/or invoice.
Original Tamashii Tibetan Mala With 108 Wooden Beads and Blue Sodalite Stone with Turquoise
Tamashii products that are handmade with natural stones/pearls may have shades slightly different from the photos. Tibetan Mala The Tibetan Mala is an amulet used by Buddhist monks for mantra recitation, like a kind of rosary. Each Mala consists of 108 grains of an oriental fragrant wood Agathis Alba (original). The 108 wooden beads represent 108 Buddhas summoned to protect, help in difficulties, obtain wealth and to eliminate any threat. The Tibetan Mala is unisex and can be worn as a necklace or as a bracelet, it is prepared for any wrist size since it is strung on an elastic base. This pattern is alternated with blue Sodalite stones and Turquoise stones. The diameter of each grain is 8.00 mm. Sodalite stone helps to relax and ward off nervousness and aggression by promoting a psychological condition of calm and relaxation, Turquoise stone on the other hand calms the soul by transforming anger into wisdom. Each Tamashii piece of jewelry is special because it carries the blessing of Tibetan monks, a symbol that makes it unique. In addition, in every Tamashii jewelry piece is the Calabash, a small wooden element in the shape of a gourd filled with seeds, called Kamawatchi Calabash, which particularly symbolizes the continuity of life. New product accompanied by respective original packaging with Tamashii guarantee of authenticity. Issuing tax receipt and/or invoice.
/Jewelry/Fashion jewelry/Tamashii Bracelets - Tibetan Trend Jewelry 1
105795108948105816105788105792 68.00
55.74 0.00